Some thoughts
I agree that people must be *free* to choose their unique path. I encourage it. I enjoy studying as many paths as possible. What I find interesting is some peoples need to belong to an organization for their "salvation" (in all its forms). This seems to be the promise of so many organized religions...wealthy religions.
Are there many paths to God? I believe all paths lead home but what do the leaders of Eck actually say?
A misrepresentation presented by Eckankar in its Ghanaian Times article is:
“There are many paths that lead you to God. As children of God, we each have the spiritual freedom to choose the path that works for us. This freedom is given us by God.” This is the public face of Eckankar. Here is the private face, the one found in its written works. These quotes, (with references) are also taken from the Eckankar “Bible” and other books by Eckankar’s founder, Paul Twitchell.
“It is not possible to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven except through the teachings of Eckankar” (Twitchell, Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Book I, 2nd Ed. 1987, p. 96)
“All these things can be learned through the medium of ECKANKAR, the only and universal path to God” (Twitchell, The Spiritual Notebook, 2nd Ed. 1990, p. 15)
“Again and again I have pointed out that there is no other path than ECK[ANKAR]…. [A]nyone who tries another path is trying to start on a lower rung. It seems so foolish for anyone…to select a spiritual path…when it is laid out for him to move on to the original and only path to God.” (Twitchell, The Spiritual Notebook, 2nd Ed. 1990, p. 221]
The real Eckankar unmasked!
My thoughts about organized (big money) that spirituality is *within* us. The outside stuff is just part of the passing show. Trappings and condiments.
I do like to look into all organized paths though because I find their methods for recruitment quite interesting. Some tend to play agressively on fear and some use a more subtle (passive agressive) type of motivation. I find studying these mechanisms gives me a deeper look into the human psyche, something I enjoy doing very much. All kinds of archetypes and attractor programs at play here..very interesting.
I think further discussion on this particular religious organization or any other for that matter, would best be discussed at the following link: