Do I have autism?
I was doing some research for on autism, and coming across a table fo symptoms, i was rather shocked to find i line up with almost all of them.
1-Resists normal teaching methods
2-Inappropriate laughing and giggling
3-Lack of speech or impaired speech
4-Acts as if deaf
5-No fear of real dangers
6-Apparent insensitivity to pain
8-Spins objects
9-Not cuddly
10-Sustained odd play
11-Uneven fine/gross motor skills: May not be able to kick a ball -but can stack blocks.
12-No eye contact
13-Standoffish manner
14-Difficulty in mixing with other children
15-Resists change in routine
16-Unusual perceptual stimuli: Looking “through” people.
17-Inappropriate attachments to objects
18-Marked physical overactivity or extreme passivity
19-Crying tantrums: Extreme distress for no discernible reason.
There are only 4 symptoms here i dont show. (8,15,,17,19)
Now, abviously, if I do have it, it isnt very severe. But could I have a mild case? Who would I talk to to find out for sure?