Re: Wow!! :))back to you.
I have had severe allergies all my life. When I was born they thought I had cystic fibrosis. I have gotten better over the years by living very carefully in reguards to environment, food, therapies, supplements, hormones, emotions, etc. However I rarely go a day without excess mucous.
my first question is: what will years of swallowing mucous do to my colon, especially on an empty stomach during the night and upon waking up in the morning?
I am doing Psylium and Bentonite bowel cleanse. After I will do oxy-powder.
My other question is coming up, but first some premise: I have spent tens of thousands of dollars and countless hours trying everything from NAET to allergy drops , kinesiology, HR, acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathy, doctors, supplements galore, elimination diets, etc... when it comes to allergies, you name it - ive done it, thought it, not thought it, etc..
My other question is: from a spiritual perspective what does this indicate? what would be your take on this? That one of this life's lessons is to master not being so "sensitive" ? Can this be healed or is it more like trying to change eye color - i.e. is it just a part of my dna/genetic makeup and I should stop trying to "cure" it?