As a woman, your words touched my soul, Andreas...
Thank you immensely for your wisdom.
Yes, I feel I am facing death and am beginning to lose fear in him. I too believe that death is freedom; freedom from all the limitations we have placed on ourselves; freedom from restrictions; freedom to expand, to contract, to Vanish, or to Be.
Because I am a woman, connecting with my female side and especially my monthly cycle has brought on a depth of intuition that I have never experienced before. Communing with my cycle and nature has helped me accept and not fear transformation.
I am slowly giving voice to the feminine inside me, and She is instructing me. This is a voice that I feel we women have lost over the ages. Sometimes I feel lonely down this road of treasuring the darkness and the descent into the abyss of Soul, because it seems as if everyone, even my fellow women, bestow all their attention on the "light" side of life, the "positive", the "uplifting", the "ascension upwards"; whereas I value equally the descent downwards, into Earth, as one of the most beautiful embraces and homecomings we can ever experience.
Sometimes I feel I need to scream that the "negative" has a value that is not to be ignored, and that darkness, like death, is just a point of view, that becomes frightening when one creates it out of fear. Like every woman approaching her monthly menstruation knows, "thinking positive" and escaping what is inside of us just isn't enough to release the tension and frustration we feel. But once we let go, give our darker (ie.hidden) emotions voice and pass through them, give the void space, and let the tears flow, our sadness magically disappears and we regain wholeness once more. This cycle is my drowning, and this is how I know I feel I shall dance through it.
Once again, thank you from the depths of my heart. You are a very kind and wise person.
N' amaste,
PS. I have received "Timeless Secrets" and "Amazing..." and they are, trully, amazing, and money well invested! :)