we have gotten off topic, and i'll bet a moderator comes along soon to stop this conversation. (in fact, i hope so).
#51062, i think your notes blaming the poster for the issue she's having and for the divorce rate in America is hurtful and completely off base. this is a support forum, there's a difference between saying you don't agree with something, and blasting someone for posting an issue.
as for broken homes, they are usually broken before they break. people that are angry and miserable at home end up unwittingly teach their children to be angry and miserable. its better for the child to live in a loving household with split up parents, then to live in a miserable household with both. While it sounds like you advocate the parents staying together no matter what, in my opinion living in unhappy circumstances is its own form of abandonment.
now be nice to the original poster and stop blaming her for the problems of the world.