Re: Best Way to Handle Family Dysfunction
I think that you need to have some private time with your aunt.
I will tell you a piece of wisdom: your aunt is hurting...only hurt people act without compassion. Give her some and see what happens. She will be dead someday and you will wish you would be at peace with her. If you don't resolve this now, you will suffer later. Even the most vicious people(that we call 'animals'), have a gentle soul somewhere, they just lost track of it thru abuse, self-destruction etc. that happened because they didn't experience true love and forgivness from somebody when they were in the darkest times of their life.
See if YOU can make some time to spend with her, if you will give her undivided attention in the course of a dinner or lunch, you will be amazed, just be gentle and let her talk...take my word, you will finally have peace with her and with yourself. Honestly, she's right, you never had time one-on-one with her. So just do it. Give her some love and believe me, what goes around, comes around. She is so lonely and un-loved that she is acting vicious. Or maybe she on the early stages of dementia? Take advantage of the fact that she's still alive and make peace with her.
I hope I didn't bore you or come across as bossy and know-it-all.
Love, Elena.