Re: Andreas/All: Food Pyramid Conspiracy
I do not think it is a conspiracy, just one stone piled on another
It is as much consumer driven as supplier driven.
People (we the masses) are starting to value convenience above all other things. Of course the suppliers are going to supply it. People on Social assistance feed thier kids lunchables etc. at a price that could feed the family nutritionally for a day.
I have seen knowledgeble people weaken not under the force of advertising etc. But just under peer pressure.
While I agree that there are those out there who are successfully practicing mass manipulation and getting away with it (look at the American Healthcare system and the exhorbitant amount you pay for drugs etc.) I do not think the food pyramid has much to do with it.
They are struggling to keep up and trying unsuccessfully to not look stupid.
When they start recommending people eat crackers and cheese and nitrate preserved meat as the main part of their diet and adding a touch of the convenient microwavable pasta etc. which lines the supermarket shelves then I will believe they are in a consiracy wuth the consumers themselves.
You will excuse the ranting I hope.
To quote Pogo 'We have found the enemy and they is us.'