Re: Andreas/All: Food Pyramid Conspiracy
Good question. There is no group or individual who has a vested interest in keeping people healthy (except those whose motivation is love), but there are thousands who have a vested interest in keeping people from becoming healthy. The need for control originates in fear and inferiority and manifests throughout every level of society, e.g. law, economy, government, education, defense, religion and health. Each of these systems have been manipulated to keep people from achieving selfhood and freedom. Most people have no idea what is going on, and most of those who manipulate the masses are not aware of what they are doing either.
There is a larger picture involved, as I explained it in Freedom from Judgment and It's Time to Wake Up. Those who are becoming aware like yourself are amazed at what they see. We are living through the extremes of duality and the one extreme of darkness brings into existence the other extreme of duality -- the light. When there is balance between the two, there will be peace, love and wisdom controlling the affairs of the world. The current turmoil, chaos, division, and conflict is likely to increase and frighten a lot of people within the next two years. It will make many people very angry as they discover the incredible deceptions of the masses. No stone will remain unturned. And when we no longer see ourselves as victims, there will be a massive shift and a new dawn of life on the planet. Things may look bad now and much worse tomorrow, but that is part of the dying of the old. Without the old dying off, the new cannot appear. It is all in our favor.