My boss had a doctors appontment this morning. His doctor said, that the official USDA approved American Food Pyramid is currently under construction. The new one will be significantly lower in carbs and higher in proteins.
I did some research on this subject, - USDA will be releasing the New Food Pyramid soon (see link).
About a year ago I went to pick up my son from the Day Care center. His teacher proudly showed me a huge Food Pyramid wall mural they put together with magazine cuttings. Under grain group they mounted pictures of colorful cerial pieces, white bread, pretzels, potato chips, popcorn, cakes with creamy toppings, chocolate chip cookies. Under fruit/veggie group - cans of carrots and peas, jars of fruit jams and apple sauce, bottled juices. Under meats - bologna, pepperoni, beef jerky.
All these foods and drinks, served at the Child Care centers and schools are not suitable for our children, but, surprisingly, they are approved by USDA.
Is this a conspiracy?
People (and mostly children) become addicted to manufactured foods, in which artificial flavors and hidden ingredients are used. This results in illnesses due to over-consumption of these foods, which is very beneficial to both - manufacturers and health care professionals. (Isn't this a very destructive way to create new jobs?)
...Not to mention low-carb food lines, artificial sweeteners and tons upon tons of symptom-curing pills, which cause serious illnesses, but very beneficial to pharmaceutical companies.
Who is responsible for designing this system of human destraction?