Re: Colloidal Silver
dude, your fear is making you hostile and effecting your thinking. go back and read my post. i did not accuse you of anything, i said you should be drinking distilled water - ie, no tea, soda, coffee, milk, etc, just distilled water.
you said you were getting a cs maker. that is what you should do so you can take lots of it. you also have to use distilled water in the cs maker, so get a good source of that. again, having your own distiller is a good thing.
now listen carefully to me. you have a disease because your body was susceptable to begin with. in order to get well and stay well, you not only need a cure, you need to change what got you in this state in the first place.
it is not true that you just have contracted a cantagious disease. you are in a disease state, so you must change the condition of your body in order to fight all disease and to maintain health. in other words, you can kill the virus causing you the problem you have now, but that wont change your state of health, so you will be sick again, if not with hep, with something else.
you can change all that. all you need is to know how. if you want to do it on here, thats fine. the idea of speaking to you on the phone was so i could have immediate feedback from you about what i tell you so i could give you ideas on how to proceed and make sure you understood what i was saying - all for the sake of saving time, which you have said you do not have much of. lets face it, since you dont know what to do, you need to trust someone. this lack of ability to trust could also be a part of your disease state.
so, if you want to proceed, get the silver maker and distiller and lets get busy. if not, thats cool too.
who am i? well i am me, of course. who did you think i was? or would you prefer, we can do a little quid pro quo and get to know each other. this is a public forum, otherwise i would have given you my telephone number. i asked for yours because i am not charged extra for long distance. just being my ususal thoughtful and courteous self.
i told you i am not a doctor because i dont want to be accused of practicing medicine without a liscence. if i was a doctor, i couldnt tell you what you need to do anyway. i wouldnt know how with the training they get. my training is from experience.
if you want to be paranoid about something, be paranoid about what goes into your body. that is a major source of what is going on with anyones health.
let me know. btw, there is a way to e me right at the top of my post, if you want.