From One Hepper To Another!
I have just finished reading most of the post on this forum for HCV. I too am a Hepper and have been for 30 years. It wasn't until 2001 though that I was diagnosed. I was 40 yrs. old then and had just given birth to my first child the year prior in 2000. A beautiful baby girl I might add!
I went through all the emotions possible after diagnosis. Furious was one of them after finding out that all through my pregnancy not once had I been tested for Hep C. A & B yes, but not C. I felt like suing somebody for putting my baby in possible danger. Would I have done something with the knowledge had I known during pregnancy? Probably not, but I was never given the option. After my babies birth, she was given the Hep B vaccine without my knowledge or consent. I am still not over that (I am against vaccines) Then in 2001 after my diagnosis I had to put my baby girl through being tested. I was just sick about having to do that, but felt we needed to be sure that I had not infected her. Thank God her tests were negative.
In 2001 my viral load was a mere 30,000 but extreme fatigue was the reason for my visit. My biopsy showed stage 2 fibrosis. I have been on the conventional treatment without success and major side effects. I have also taken milk thistle and vitamins. Have tried to take good care of myself, but have little faith in herbal remedies or conventional treatment at this point. The virus is wide awake in my body no matter what I do. After an appointment with a new Gastro (my 4th Gastro) and 9 vials of blood later, my viral load is now 230,000. I understand too that the viral load goes up and down. The reason for the 9 vials is because the Gastro is looking for a tumor. She said that two parts of a previous blood test were way to high. I go in Monday for an ultrasound for her. She is really pushing for me to try treatment again in January after the holidays, but I just can't do it. My little girl will soon be 4 and I just can't be so sick and in bed for days at a time and not be able to care for her. I am holding out for a new treatment. I have been told about a new oral vaccine that is in the works, but will not be available for 3, 4, or 5 years or more. I hope it gets here soon.
I haven't had much support in my battle with Hep C. My darling husband and I don't discuss it and I just try to take care of my little girl and myself. For me it's a race to see if I can out last this disease until my baby grows up. She needs me so. Sometimes I wish I had never been told I have it. I feel like a hex has been put on me since diagnosis. I feel like the only real thing I have control over is my attitude and the way I fight this disease in my mind. For now it is all I have.