I have been through similar experiences, with myself and my mother. I know what you're talking about. I am saying that among the thorns there are roses. You now know that allopathic medicine is for trauma, and nothing else. That is something that most people have to learn the hardway, because we are brainwashed to believe that only the prescription pad can fix anything. Now that you have had a good experience with an accupuncurist, you are free and clear.
Many people call themselves doctors, but not all are MDs. Most MDs are "fixers" not healers, but there are some who do understand how to foster healing. Looking for them is not worth the trouble in my opinion, when there are so many alternative doctors who know the rules of healing.
I am glad that the frustration about treating myself with no results and the resentment toward the doctors who started my health problems and those that couldn't fix it is over. I wish you the same success, whether you do it yourself or find someone to help.