19 y
Re: What on earth is wrong with me - FRUSTRATED!!
You sound as though you are in a situation similar to mine right now. Since you've seen
parasites coming out, then you are doing something right. When you think about how many eggs are given off by any one worm, you can imagine how hard it is to actually get rid of everything. That's what I've been thinking about for the past couple of days. I've been thinking that I have to find a way of eating that will kill the existing ones and also not support new ones. And so I'm eating mostly protein and as low carb as I can go, and this is definitely upsetting the parasites. So I am actually having more symptoms, but my body is getting rid of them. That might be what is happenning with you. I am going to make a push to go even lower carb and see what happens. Since I started eating meat I at least am getting stronger. Beef is a good source of iron, isn't it? I don't eat any carbs when I eat it because then I can't digest it. Before I was so weak, tired, and aching all over. I think that humans can live on meat and eggs but
parasites can't. I think it's more important to eat good quality food than to take supplements. I've taken hundreds of dollars of supplements over the past couple of years, but now I am down to a tea, kelp, and two tinctures for my liver. The tinctures help with digestion(Chinese bitters and curcuma).
parasites live on carbs. It doesn't have to be
Sugar and white flour. They'll eat whatever carbs you give them. I've read that so many times, but it's just starting to sink in that I have to cut out the carbs to permanently clear up this problem.
Take care