Re: What on earth is wrong with me - FRUSTRATED!!
I agree with the other post above that your supplements may be causing an imbalance. Food source supplements are much better if you can find some that have what you need. I am currently taking spirulina (2 tablespoons a day) for calcium, iron, and protein, and brewers yeast for b-vitamins and protein. You can also take 1 tablespoon of cod liver oil for vitamins a and d. Add to this a good trace mineral supplement, and some magnesium and potassium.
Celery and carrot juice is also good. An imbalanced ratio of magnesium, calcium, and potassium can definitely cause leg cramps (too much, too little, or not the right proportions). This has happened to me because I have been severely mineral deficient and taken the wrong amounts. I have found that it is not necessary to take any calcium when on spirulina in the amounts listed above. If you want to seek professional help with this, I have heard that hair analysis is the most accurate. I would also supplement with betain hydrochloride and a good multienzyme supplement. It sounds like you are suffering from poor digestion. Also, if you are serious about finding which
parasites you are suffering from, you could consult a good infectious disease specialist, and have some stool tests done. However, you must know that this is extremely expensive, and might not turn up any results. If you decide to have a stool test done, make sure the lab uses a fixative in the container that you put the sample in. Many don't, and there are several
parasites that are difficult to diagnose without it.