Re: Strongyloides
in laymens terms
usually pretty vague symptoms. The adults live in the small intestine so, naturally they slow things down a bit and in high levels of infection may cause constipation. Occasionly there have been reports of diarrhea, but I think constipation is the rule. In fact in HYPERinfestations patients develop paralytic ileus, which is from the rapid number of larvae entering and exiting the bowels. Most experts regard this infection as pretty indolent... most folks wouldnt know they had them... excpet for long standing infection where you might achieve a very high load, or if one was immunosuppressed either by drugs or disease, allowing the worm to proliferate... not to mention malnutrition. Eosinohpils... the part of the immune system that protects us from
parasites typically go UP in an acute infection, but in chronic, such as mine they are actually low (poor prognsis). Many experts maintain that the drugs ALONE are not enough to kill off all the adults AND prevent death from the subsequent laraval migration or the maturation onto adults. Many believe you need an intact immune system with eosoniphile to protect you from reinfection from the autoinfective filariform larvae. These larvae may be seen under the skin typically on the abdomen and also on the thighs as red likes that MOVE. Also during this migration phase you may cough up some sputum ( ALWAYS COUGH IT UP AND SPIT IT OUT) the
parasite relies on you to SWALLOW it to continue the lifecycle in the stomach. As benign as this may sound .... 87% of all daignosed caes are FATAL. In reality just about anyone could cary them and never even know it.But always have a high index of suspcion if the person is losing weight, having asthma attacks, burning tickling red rashes that migrate... check the SPUTUM as THIS is diagnostic. Standard ova
parasite tests almost NEVER catch it (~3%). And at this stage of the game every one should have at least a 25$ scope from target. Wouldnt recommend herbs with this, because as EVERY adult dies they release thousands upon thousands of larvae that migrate thru the body causing massive tissue, vessel, and organ damage and occasionally death. Not sure I would pursue this one with herbs. Most important tho, in living everday with these is to maintain a good level of nutrtion and keep the bowles moving, as failure in either could precipitate a life threatening hyper infection
in health