Re: Anyone have any idea what these are? [plus some random thoughts]
Thanks for your reply, wrayc.
I'm taking notes of your entire reply, for further consideration.
As I have observed, there is ONE MAJOR COMPONENT to Cancer which is common to all cases of it:
- An apparent [base - as in 'underlying'] "damage" or weakness or alteration to the Immune system itself.
That different pathogens could "interfere" with Human Immune response doesn't seem to me like a casual occurrence. Therefore, maybe the cause of Cancer can be tracked back that way. I'm VERY SURE that Cancer is a problem "mathematical" [rather algebraic] in nature. What I mean by that argument is that the problem of Cancer can be approached and solved with an 'algebraically' logical approach. The problem seems to be just like a puzzle; a complicated puzzle, perhaps, but solvable nonetheless.
If Cancer continues to be approached as a disease caused by a single agent, maybe a long while could be expected to pass before a REAL solution is even researched.
Too long has been waited and too much time has been wasted already hunting genes: an unreachable ghost, so to speak.
In my opinion, even while we don't know yet the REAL and definitive causes for Cancer, or even when a long time may have to pass before we understand its underlying mechanism(s) fully, I think that meanwhile patients can be saved from it 100% of the times, IF a logical and really scientific treatment approach is followed, rather than "what's accepted and/or established", and IF the FEAR and the TERROR that the word "Cancer" imposes on both the doctor AND the patient are set aside to begin with.
We need REAL MEN -that is, some REAL scientists with both GUTS and determination ready to do what it takes REGARDLESS- to face and to fight and to beat this "thing" and others like it, no teams, no clinical trials, no forms, no conventional statistics or numerical garbage, just ACTION and REACTION - results.
Thanks again for listening.