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I had Dientamoeba Fragilis
NewUK Views: 22,820
Published: 18 y
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I had Dientamoeba Fragilis

Jackie's site at http://www.badbugs, mentioned above is a great source of information. Jackie was very helpful and still emails me from time to time (I am the person who had test results sent to the vet)
I took the two Antibiotics recommended. I had to order them from America. Over a year later I have had no recurrance of loose movements/evil smelling wind. I have a problem with constipation (just not going enough) but BM's are non-smelly and food is well digested (very different to before). The Antibiotic course was extremely arduous (three long weeks) and I was very thorough. I took the medication at full moon as parasites are supposed to be more active then. I had colonics before/during/after treatment. I took Grapefruit-Seed-Extract for about 6 months after treatment.
What I was left with was an increased candida problem. White coated tongue (I STILL have this a year later!) the same food sensitivities (still no wheat, grains, Sugar and dairy), brain fog, aches and pains, fatigue, constipation and bloating. I took probiotics for a couple of months (you have probably discovered that you can't take probiotics if you have these amoebas as they feed on them and you feel worse). My health did not improve.
Many people have emailed me (via Jackie) for help finding doctors to prescribe the drugs . Noone has emailed me to say they are cured as a result of taking drugs (though there could be reasons for this). One thing that bothers me is that Jackie's site is full of people taking course after course of Antibiotics . Flagyl (Metroniazole is one of the most useless). One guy did email me from Arizona who took Clarkia for Blasto. & DF and said he had been successful and there had been no recurrence a year later.
The trio of Antibiotics recommended for BH has a shorter course of 10 days and is possibly less arduous. But I cannot believe that there isn't a herbal medicine that works without giving the side effects of drugs. It is certainly worth trying herbs first. colonics or bowel cleansing is imperative. Zapping was also no good for me.

I am doing Urine therapy now which is improving mood and energy like nothing else. There are people who report that UT has got rid of worms. It would be very interesting to research if UT gets rid of amoebas.

Hope some of this info. helps?



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