Re: Scared - found another report
Avoid my mistakes:
1) When treating the parasites, be very aggressive from the onset.
2) Rotate your herbs after 4-6 weeks. Take a 7-10 day break. Start the routine again.
3) Buy fresh herbs and capsule them yourself (I've experiemented enough to know!) There is no guarantee that the "best brands" have the freshest items.
4) Be patient. I made the mistake of switching to regular meds which messed me up. The
parasites scattered everywhere throughout my body, causing a systemic problem.
5) No matter, what don't let the
parasites win -- they think they have rights to your body.
6) Change your diet.
7) Do your research!
8) Increase your garlic intake up to 2 cloves per day!
parasites going to the brain and eyes could have been avoided.
If I can think of anything else...I'll add to my list.