Re: Video of eye parasite removal
rabbit ears, I knew when my eyelid would twitch once in a while that something was up.
Also- over a year ago I used to get Pink Eye for no reason.. Allergic reactions like my eyelid all puffed out.
I'd go to the doctor and all they'd do is prescribe an anti-histamine. And they would tell me the twitches were probably
"nervous twitches"--- Yeah like even THAT is normal..yeesh!!
So only until I started doing cleaneses, changing the way I eat, etc., and finding out more about parasites, did I realize that my doctor was verrry un-educated for her college degree.
I also have not had the eye
parasites after my morning/night mop up. I believe Iv'e rid the eggs before they could hatch -and am keeping the tear ducts, nasal passages so clean with eyewashes and such that I am flushing out any larvea or eggs before they hatch.
Paralixer spray has also noticabely enhanced my sinuses-- when I thought they were already clear before using it-- I noticed an even greater benefit using Paralixer spray.
To think that for years I thought it was normal to always have sinus congestion and stuffed noses, scratchy throats and eye inflamation. My doctors would always say I had "allergies" and prescribe antihistamines all the time.
Right in the midst of allergy season this Fall, and I have no symptoms at all now!!