Re: Dientamoeba Fragilis: Reply to NewUK
Hi NewUK,
That's all very interesting (and thanks for pointing out my URL posting!).
If you google 'IWDL' in UK it will bring up their web-site. They are very professional and do loads of tests. You are meant to pay for follow-up, but because of the parasites, a consultant spoke to me free of charge for 20 minutes and interpreted the results for me (it is normally used by nutritionists who know how to interpret I think).
My husband gets abdominal pain, and to the right, but not sure if it is stomach or not. Just under ribs. The pain is fairly constant and dull, but occasionally sharp stabbing pain...and periods when it seems like the whole system is inflamed and tender. It became REALLY bad for the first time a fortnight after he had
colonic hydrotherapy. This may just be coincidence, but it is preventing him returning for further treatments. Anyway, he ended up in hospital with the pain, put on morphine, and kept in for 5 days having tests while the pain subsided. Since then he tends to get severe attacks every few months.
As the NHS found nothing, we eventually coughed up for a comprehensive stool and parasitology test (I'd already made my mind up that he had
parasites after finding this site!). The results showed the Dientamoeba Fragilis, practically no beneficial bacteria and an overgrowth of dysbiotic flora. Apparently they are all connected and the imbalance is common in people with parasites...and may cause some of the symptoms.
So now I'm waiting to hear what that person in Sydney is advised to do. The herbal things don't seem to be shifting the pain...but we're not yet certain the
parasites are causing it.
Good luck, and do email me.