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Re: enema recipe for parasites?
hopinso Views: 17,444
Published: 21 y
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Re: enema recipe for parasites?

I did a white vinegar enema and passed an 18 inch Tapeworm last fall. That was a total surprise, I had no idea I even had a parasite problem until I passed some liver stones with parasite fragments in them about a week earlier. Fresh garlic enemas and vinegar enemas are both very irritating to intestinal parasites. Do a simple warm salt water enema first (2 quarts) to clear the bowel, then do 2-4 quarts of enema solution with either the vinegar or garlic, try to retain the solution as long as you can, but void when necessary and keep refilling until all the solution is used.
You may need to do some colon cleaning using a sweeping product like psyllium to clean out the mucoidal build up on the intestinal wall. parasites love to hide in the thick mucus lining a dirty bowel. Also, eat lots of garlic, cayenne pepper and raw pumpkin seeds as these are all irritating to parasites.
For the recipes-start with 2 tablespoons of white vinegar to a quart of water, you can increase the amount of vinegar as long as it is not irritating to you. White vinegar or distilled cider vinegar is recommended over the raw ACV because the raw vinegars may have a mold present that can be absorbed through the colon. You can soak 6 or so cloves of garlic overnight for a raw garlic enema, or boil the garlic for a few minutes and strain and add liquid to your pure water.


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