21 y
Re: To Ascaris penetrated my tissues and now all over my body sufferer
Remember that is two 500mg caps L-Cysteine 3 times a day for three weeks only to kill roundworms. Make sure it is the "L" variety. So 6 caps a day for three weeks. That should kill all
Ascaris and thier eggs. You might want to break a capsule in a cup of water to make a mild skin wash to kill skin suface eggs.
Hulda Clark also reccomends two tablespoons, only one time, of ozinated oil to kill and mop up
Ascaris and thier eggs. Check her books.
Ascaris is the most common
parasite infestation, approx 1 billion people are infected. NO CURE, LICENSE TO MURDER, MDs make a mint off of intentionally, ignorantly, maliciously and fraudulent misdiagnosing
parasite infestaion. MDs do not cure, mds bragg they live and profit off of misdiagnosis and complications.
Good luck and chill,
Hulda Clark has your antidote.
and remember...for everything these bio wmd mds killers and sadistic crooks invent to poison infest and pollute, THIER is ALWAYS an antidote available to us. is great, as are a 1000001 other naturopath, etc, CURATIVE health web sites that cure.
MDs will all BE worms in thier next life.
see medical archives on