Re: To the Ascaris sufferer in the UK
To the
Ascaris sufferer in the UK.
Hulda Clark has 2 treaments for roundworms, ascaris.
Take 2, 500 mg capsules of L-Cysteine, 3x a day for 3 weeks only.
Clark reccommends a 1/2 tsp of baking soda each night for three weeks also to offset the acidity of L-Cysteine. Make sure it is L-Cysteine.
Also, CoQ-10 3 or 4 grams once a week on an empty stomach in the am.
MDs have a criminal licence, but no liberty, to kill and poison brits in the UK. They are Rothschild and Rockefeller paid $ genocide creeps.( see medical archives) They induce disease to get biz and reduce population. They cannot even cure themselves.They are genocidal sociopaths. They work for the drug companies and MONEY, not your health or life. I think
Ascaris ate the mds brains out generations ago. Some know you have ascarius, they are just *%#&¤?§* ed you know it too. The core of the human md butcher fraud genocide racket is misdiagnosis. And the other allied with med disease industries actually infest populations with
Ascaris eggs via food and intentional pollution etc. to weakened immune for ascaris invasion. They devised this crap at Oxford, the dental poisons, lanthanides were researched there too, they genocide creeps at the top know exactly how to poison weaken and infest populations. They are biowar murderers. Do not fear, knowledge is power and You have all the antidotes now, thanks to
Hulda Clark and millions of other true curative healers..
Read Clark or get to a sane true HEALER who cures (a non md mengela brainwashed murderer) true healer,and stay away from plague salesmen / profiteers= mds.
And read everything
Hulda Clark has published on ascaris.
I think 7/8ths of britian is infested with massive ascaris worm infestations and intentionally misdiagnosed by the mengela run med genocide community.