Hi. I need help as my case is getting serious. I have taken vermox, pripsen and herbal remedies to cast out the roundworms but ended up in much worse situation. They have made holes in my body , now hide in my muscles, legs, my back too, one got into the lining in my throat and very close to my left ear, i feel them move. my butt chicks are burred through and they've now made a dwelling outside of my intestine. they are odd ones. not big in size, bigest I saw about 3 inches, though very thick and hard bodied, with one end sharp. most of them dwel in the meat of my pelvic bone, and do come out regularly through big holes they've made on both sides of the cocsic. some rest around the kidneys, some got into my blader. they are all over. I went to Helth Services in UK Oxford. Thats where I live and the stool sample I gave came back negative. So they think I'm going mad. They say that nematodes do not live outside of intestine. I'm now stuck and waiting to die. All it takes now for one of them to get into some vital organ and I'm gone. They are very resistant to all I've taken so far and re-adapt quickly. I don't know where to get zapper in uk, or what to do. Any help would be appresiated