Now, wait just a minute...
What "scientists" are speculating that the weight loss from the Atkins diet is from parasites? This is an improper use of "evidence" on your part. The article you cited does, indeed, say that
parasites supress the appetite of cows. It says nothing about those people who are on the Atkins - or any other - high protein diet and it's unreasonable to characterize it as though it does.
First, while it may be true that many people who stop the Atkins/ Low Carb diets frequently gain back the weight that they lost, this is true of virtually any diet. That fact has nothing to do with parasites. If the reason were parasites, as you suggest, then the subsequent weight gain would not be evidenced in people who reverted to their former eating habits after a diet of only vegetables and salads. But it happens with those diets too.
Furthermore, if
parasites are the cause of weight loss while on the Atkins diet, then a subsequent weight loss suggests that they don't exist any more. But if one has become infested from
parasites from animal products, they would not be simply expelled because the person stopped eating them because the parasites would have found another (live) host and would likely still be a cause of weight loss.
I believe that it's very likely that parasites are the cause of many misdiagnosed - or undiagnosed - diseases. I also suspect the possibility that they are caused by ingesting animal products (notwithstanding the additional possibility that they could be ingested by eating organic vegetables that weren't properly washed). But there is quite a lot of truly scientific information regarding the insulin response of the body and the way carbohydrates and fats are processed by the body, and that evidence does suggest that diets that restrict carbohydrates can result in loss of body fat and reduction of cholesterol.
They can work, in the short term.
If there is true
Science that refutes this, I welcome it with great interest. But it seems that what you've done here is not provide evidence, but propaganda from a pharmaceutical company's website that is used out of context.