Thanks everybody for the response
Thanks everybody for the response,
She has 40kg weights, has no problems with moving her bowels, has not very bad appetite. She experienced strong pain in the middle of the night 2 weeks ago. It lasted 2 hours. Then the pain started again 4 and 3 days ago. we went to the Central Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa. The pain was not localised at any specific place of the stomach but was enough strong.
The doctors did as I wrote urina, blood and ultrasound test. All time she had normal temperature. With ultrasound at that time they were not sure if she has stones, they told it looks as 'there is something'. All other tests were normal. The pain lasted 4 hours that last time.
Then doctors sent us home because she was 'in normal conditions'. One doctor also told us it is unlikely something wrong with her goldbladder because she 'can eat french fries' they gave her but a surgeon told that the problem is stones but her state is stable and we must go home and gave us an appointment today.
Then we were at hospital today at appointment at surgical department. 1st surgeon told that he is not sure what couses the pain, also he mentioned 'if we perform sugery, remove goldbladder we are not sure if it helps'. The second surgeon told more definitely 'we must perform the removal surgery as soon as possible'. I express my view that such radical surgery must be performed if there is no other ways of treatment.
The surgeon told there are no alternative,this operation is 'nothing serious', it will be 'helpful' for the rest of her life. I asked her to make an appointment with gastrologists, to make other type of tests in order to clarify the situation with diagnosis. The answer was- it is no necessary, ' I give you a refferal' but then we were told that the list for other doctors is very long- and if nobody call us in 2 weeks we must call back. The surgeon also told 'we must decide with the operation as soon as possible'
Actually I wrote this text in order to show my feeling at that time- the situation with my daugter is terrible wrong.
After reading your website I realised that I am in totally wrong situation with this CHEO hospital surgeons. Actually they chose the most cruel way of my daugter treatment rejecting a possibility of any other way of treatment.
Thanks again to everyone who answered!