Cool deal! :) Re: Unyquity, you've completely inspired me.
One round? hmmm, well, one round will do a WORLD of good, for sure AND for certain.
But since most of spent DECADES getting our intestines into a swollen, sluggish impacted generally takes more than 'one round' of ANY product, to achieve a total return to "normal".
Honestly, I've loved the way I feel every time I do a cleanse with it. I keep a full jar & a half of capsules in the 'fridge, and if I drop down to less than that, I get 'goofy panic' :o)
Do a full round and see how you're feeling & guess is, you'll be really happy with all the good things it does for your body AND the way you feel. Just thinkin' about it makes me wanna start another full round! lol
I have liver issues to deal with, and I'm dealing with them very slowly & thoroughly. Both the psyllium & and the apple pectin have VERY strong benefits to the liver (they help process cholesterol), and so maybe I feel even 'more better' than most while I'm cleansing with the IF#2.
Keep me/us posted as to how it's going...and keep suckin' down that water!!
Flush ON!