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+ edit Re: WOW! Thank you!! I think I'll do this hand-in-hand with fasting and liver flushes

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 19 y
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+ edit Re: WOW! Thank you!! I think I'll do this hand-in-hand with fasting and liver flushes

Edit: If you have two tablespoons of an herbal product (or anything like it), and want to put it into capsules, you'll need 16-20 capsules. You wouldn't think a THING about taking 2 Tablespoons of something a three or four times a day, right? You would have to fill and take 64-80 capsules to get four doses of 2 Tablespoons each. And this product is only 6 capsules, 6 times a day (for a total of 36 capsules daily). So when you think about it, it's not really all that much :)

It doesn't hurt at only makes you feel BETTER!

We have the IF#1...I don't need it, but my husband does (as do most other people).

It is really important to be having 2-3 bowel movements daily BEFORE starting on the IF#2.

Please go back and read this newsletter (if you didn't already). It explains everything.
Dr. Richard Schulze 's March 2001 Bowel Newsletter

Flush ON!




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