Re: WOW! Thank you!! I think I'll do this hand-in-hand with fasting and liver flushes
Your questions are GOOD questions...knowledge IS the key to good health!!! You just keep asking and learning, and before you know it, YOU'll be the one answering the questions :)
Yes, if you're having that many movements, you probably won't need the IF#1. And if your intestinal tract is aching/raw/hurting, you don't want to use the IF#1 if you don't need to.
IF#2 is VERY SOOTHING, it's NOT HARSH (at all!!) There are many people who have used it to cure IBS, diarrhea, spastic colon, and Crohnes disease (where the bowel gets so irritated/raw that folks have diarrhea like 10 times a day, and start seeing blood in their stools from their raw intestines).
I think you are going to LOVE this product. Just make sure you drink enough water!!
Flush ON!