I (and my family and some of my friends) have used Schulzes IF#2 MANY times....we love it, and swear by it. The ingredients (a base of P&B with many other very effective colon cleansing herbs/toxin absorbers) is something most all of us prefer to straight P&B. I've pasted the ingredients below (and how they work together to affect the cleanse).
Actually, I believe, the recommended dosage is taken 6 times daily now.
That's because a fiber cleanse is always much more effective if you can manage to keep your bowels full of the fiber/clay for as many hours a day as you possibly can... -->>all the while making SURE you're having two or three bowel movements daily, throughout the cleanse!!!<<--. And you do this by drinking ample water daily...PLUS drinking 8-12
ounces of water with each dose of capsules (or mixing it into a powder). But either way, capsules or powder, you still drink an ADDIOTIONAL 8-12
ounces of water with every dose.
Dr. Schulze recommends that you take IF#1 until you're having 2-3 bowel movements daily...then when you're having 2-3 bowel movements daily, add on the IF#2 portion of the cleanse. Some folks need to take an extra IF#1 when they start taking IF#2. I never had needed the IF#1 part of the cleanse at all...but most people do.
The more times during a cleanse that the 'product' can swell up and into the toxic build-up/mucoid plaque (sucking out and absorbing all the toxins) and then pull away and be eliminated...the looser and looser the build-up will become. That just makes sense, eh? I always have 2-3 bowel movements daily. When I do an IF#2 cleanse, I drink my normal amount of water daily (which is usually close to a gallon and a half....because I LOVE water - and of course, that's one of the reasons I've never had any serious bowel issues or constipation too). Anyway, when I do the IF#2 cleanse, I use the capsules, and after the second full day, I usually have 5-6 bowel movements daily...and after the 3rd or 4th day, I've always started seeing thumb-sized pieces of mucoid plaque and toxic black junk (that smells p.u.), mixed in with the large amounts of the "normal poop n' fiber logs" (lol).
Sometimes I do 3-4 days cleanses, but a couple of times a year I do 7 day cleanses. I always feel FANTASTIC physically and I always drop a few
pounds that STAY OFF (especially during the week-long cleases), but one time I got kind of funky emotionally. I really notice the difference in the way I feel with IF#2 vs. "straight P&B"...I attribute that to the willow charcoal (that also absorbs the toxins that are being loosened, and the variety of additional herbs that Schulze adds to sooth and assist your body during/with the cleanse.
Check out everything he adds (below), but a few are:
--ground flax (makes it more mucilaginous/sticky and adds fiber and good oil)
--apple pectin (more gel/sticky, more fiber, great for the bowel & digestion about a zillion different ways)
--slippery elm - VERY soothing to the digestive tract
You can get IF#1 and IF#2:
(or it's equivalent)
Southern Botanicals
OR, at a discount (!) from Curezone's own Chris (who can be emailed at cvoss@texas.net), who has a co-op and is willing to share the discount with other Curezoner's :) (Thanks Chris, you're wonderful!!)
And if you haven't yet read this...well, it's a "must read" for ANYONE that serious about taking control of their health!
Richard Schulze 's March 2001 Bowel Newsletter
And I think all that will probably answer your questions :) (grin, I just LOVE a chance to post about IF#2, it's AWESOME!)
Flush ON!
Intestinal Corrective Formula #2
Therapeutic Action:
This cleansing and soothing formula is to be used periodically in conjunction with Intestinal Corrective Formula #1. This formula is a strong purifier and intestinal vacuum. This formula will draw old fecal matter off the walls of your colon and out of any bowel pockets. It will also draw out poisons, toxins, heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and even remove radioactive material such as strontium 90. This formula will also remove over 3,000 known drug residues. Its natural mucilaginous properties will soften old hardened fecal matter for easy removal and also make it an excellent remedy for any inflammation in the stomach and intestines.
Organic Flax seed ( Linum usitatissimum ), Apple Fruit Pectin, Pharmaceutical Grade
Bentonite Clay, Psyllium seed and husk ( Plantago Species), WildCrafted Slippery Elm inner bark (Ulmus flilva), Organic Marshmallow root ( Althea officinalis), Organic Fennel seed ( Foeniculum vulgare ) and Activated Willow charcoal ( Salix alba).
Take this formula 5 times each day beginning in the morning for 5-6 days consuming a total of 8
ounces of the powdered formula during this period. One hour after your morning nutritional drink mix 1 heaping teaspoon of Intestinal Formula #2 powder with 8 ounces of diluted juice. It mixes best if you shake it in a small jar. Do the same ½ hour before lunch, between lunch and dinner, ½ hour before dinner and 1 hour before bed, so that you are consuming a total of 5 heaping teaspoons each day. During or after dinner, take your Intestinal Formula #1 as usual but increase your regular dosage by 1 additional pill, or more if necessary to have sufficient bowel movements. It is helpful to drink additional liquid after each dose of Intestinal Corrective Formula #2, at least 8 ounces.
Dr. Schulze ICF #2
The following notice comes from the 600 page user manual accompanying the "Safe Your Life Video Collection" by
Dr. Schulze and purchased by Sam Biser.
Correction Notice for User Manual
After using the intestinal formula #1 for at least a week, begin the colon cleansing formulas mentioned in the chapter on bowel cleansing in the User Manual. This comes before anything else you do. Take the Number Two Intestinal Formula 6 times a day, and do NOT decrease the number of times you take it by using more formula less often. You want the formula in your colon at all times, and not sporadically.
Then, you will notice
parasites being removed, casing of old fecal matter coming out, and mucus. If you take the number two formula erratically or once or twice a day, this will not happen.