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Re: Over a month and nothing happening....What should the BM output be for 2 shakes a day?
Giz Views: 1,782
Published: 19 y
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Re: Over a month and nothing happening....What should the BM output be for 2 shakes a day?

Hi newbe:

I would say that you're definately on the right track. I have been doing this intestinal cleansing routine since mid-August 2004 - one and a half years. Every day I do the psyllium shakes ritual 3 x with one level Tablsp. of fine psyl. powder and one level Tablsp. coarse psyl. powder one and a half hour away from food before and after, no exceptions, none.

At 70 I figure it is reasonable to assume that I have twice the load of old toxic matter of somesone half my age. I used to think that when I passed a rope that that place would now be clean in the gut, my reading tell me that that is not so. Picture a very large grapefruit layered like an onion. With each rope you pass you have peeled of one very thin layer of old matter, that is how things got layered initially.

The only way that I know how to speed things up is to go on a lengthy juice fast, maybe for 42 days, or the Master Lemon Cleanse for a week or two or three simultaneously, There is a forum here on Juice Fasting.

What works well for me is to replace a meal or two with a juice-power drink. I add 2 raw organic eggs and a scoop of Whey Protein unflavored. It releases aboat twice the amount of stuff. Again, I still do the coffee enema twice daily for emptying things out, for me that is crucial. I want things out quickly. My very lengthy research tells that daily coffee enemas are absolutelly safe. I have been doing them the entire time of this cleanse.

There is a phamacist here who is also a nutritionist with his own line of suppelents; he gave me a Colon Cleanse formula today in caps that he claims is rather radical. I'll see how that goes in the morning. Good luck, Giz


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