A question for Ptree...
Hi Ptree,
I just want to say how much I appreciate your knowledge and advice- I've been reading your posts, and am so glad you are here on this forum! Having said that, I need your opinion. Would it be a bad idea for me to do the
Master-Cleanse with
colonics if I have recurrant yeast infections? I know the maple syrup is probably a bad idea. I've attempted this cleanse before, and was fine, except the
Sea Salt wash and laxative tea were extremely harsh on me- I have IBS.
I started getting clonics a while ago, and am going in a few days for my fifth. I also have MCS, Fibromyalgia and allergies to everything! Cleansing is very hard because of the severe detox symptoms, so I'm taking it slow. I started doing the bentonite/psyllium about a week ago, and notice that it's a bit constipating- but I am also eating more protein, so this might be a factor. I always have severe constipation and bloating, cramps and pain, especially after eating- and have tried enzymes, probiotics,
food allergy treatments, eating vegan, eating raw....I'm wondering if it's the food or the candida/
parasites or both!
What can I do to help my digestion, and overall health right now, while continuing the colonics? By the way, I noticed that when I'm having the treatment, and waste is about to be eliminated, I get the same throbbing in my intestines, back and legs that I get during the first two days of my period! Since age twelve I have had debilitating cramps, and never made the connection with my bowel! This month I did not have to take any pain relievers at all- the pain was bearable. This alone is a miracle...and hopefully more will follow!
Thank you for all your help,