Re: Day 7 of oxy, nothing black yet
I'm quite certain it is safe for you continue as long as you feel comfortable on the
Oxypowder . But I'm curious. You say you are waiting for something black... and I can assume you mean mucoid plaque which you are expecting to be liquefied by the
Oxypowder . I was wondering... do you have a reference to the product actually doing this, other than people assuming that black output (liquid) is actually MP?
I am curious, since I too am on day 7, and my output seems to equal, roughly, what i put in the day before... so I'm wondering if it really will clean out the old stuff on the intestinal walls, or just clear any blockage and keep things moving...
By the way, I've emailed the company asking about whether the product claims to remove mucoid plaque and have received no response. Their website says nothing at all about mucoid plaque, but i realize this could be because it's not really a scientific term, and perhaps the terms they are using actually do refer to it. I'd just like to know if that is the case.
Sorry to run on...