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Re: How about peristaltic action "damage" ?

Dr. Clark Shop
Hulda Clark Cleanses

andrea22 Views: 26,887
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 436,534

Re: How about peristaltic action "damage" ?

I am just now getting over a long ordeal due to 'loss of normal colon function caused by laxatives' as well as a partially damaged colon. I am only `a week into my new 'regimen' but it seems to be working so far. I am drinking a lot of water, for me 64 oz is plenty, I am using IF #2, and for breakfast I just have a Superfood smoothie but I absolutely won't and can't use IF #1 !!! I am also taking a magnesium supplement and walking daily. I have had a BM every day for the first time in I can't remember how long WITHOUT having to use and HERBAL laxative. Keep in mind, people here will say herbal laxatives are OK because they are herbal, and this is INCORRECT. Senna in particular has been found to permanent damage on the colon when used for long periods of time. Also, a mistake that a lot of people make is fiber overload. Too much fiber without enough water will cause constpation and backups - something to remember. I loaded up on fiber once and didn't compensate with enough water and experienced one of my worse ever bouts of constipation ever. I actually had to get two colonis done to clear me out. I love the other products I am using and have had positve reuslt with them.
Take care!


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