23 y
Re: Chicago is a bit too far...
Hi Cathay,
Unfortunately I don't know anyone in the Twin Cities area, but I will check with one of my colleagues. She has been doing
colonics for over 25 years and knows lots of CHTs, and keeps up with the good ones. I'll keep you posted.
Regarding cancer and
colonics (assuming the bowel is not perforated and the individual has not recently undergone surgery), this is an industry-set standard and I believe it has more to do with liability and politics than anything. I am in agreement with you regarding the benefits of a cleanse... especially when someone's condition has progressed to that point. Pain is not the I said before, if anything painful conditions are benefitted. I-ACT is imposing certain standards on the profession in the hopes that by doing so the federal government will be satisfied and not do so itself...which could be disastorous for the field. Massage therapy is also contraindicated in cases of cancer with the explanation that the cancerous cells could potentially be spread to other areas of the body. Frankly, I believe the same issues are at play here.
If I was diagnosed with colon cancer, the first thing I would do is schedule more frequent colonics...and keep my mouth shut about the cancer so the CHT wasn't put in the position to question, deny or refuse giving them. But that's me! Sometimes 'don't ask, don't tell' is a good policy.