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Nancy Views: 14,457
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 387


Hi Darla,

I've finished my 3 weeks of Breuss therapy (for prevention. From my experience, the first week was the worst. First two days were the most easiest, then on the third day I started to feel weakness and shaking in my arms and legs and had a slight fever. That continued until the day 5, when I felt really sick and was even vomiting in the morning. I couldn't stand to drink the teas and juice anymore! If my husband was not supported me, I would probably give up at that point. I felt like I was going to die (just kidding :-)), without any energy..... On day 6 I felt much better, although a bit nauseated. That is when a cold hit me and did not leave me for the next week or so... Beside the cold, from the day 3 I felt that my hands and feet are so cold and that feeling stayed until the end of therapy! To me that was the worst part; being cold and freezing all the time (especially in the middle of winter!).

Hunger crisis did not strike me until day 7 (having a few extra sips of juice solved this problem). I usually did not feel hungry, but I got fed up of drinking the same stuff day after day after day.... I would usually get very hungry every 7-10 days.

As for the cleansing of my body from toxins, using the Epsom Salt was out of queastion. I tried it once, it was soo gross I could not stand the taste! Then I got really constipated and decided to use a "fleet enema" (you can buy it in Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada for $5) over the counter. It includes a small plastic bottle filled with enema solution and has a narrow long tip for rectal use only. It helped me and soon I was feeling better. All that time of my fast I was trying to buy the Colenema (for cleansing the hole digestive tract; not just the end of it) but I couldn't find it in the stores. I found some on the US web sites; they sell them for $150-$300US+shipping (way too expensive)!

Anyhow, I was desperate, so my husband made improvised colenema which did wonders for me! I could not believe how much waste and mucus was stored in my intestines! When I started colenemas I was in my 3rd week of fast. That's when I started to feel more energetic and more focused but in the same time more hungry...
Anyhow, if you or anybody else is interested how to make and use your own colonema at home just let me know!

As for the weight loss, I lost 20lbs in the first 2 weeks then it stopped. I looked really skinny. My lumps eeduced in size (~50%) strating from the lump that developed last.

I stopped my dieting at week 3 (beacause of unbearable cold feeling in my hands and feet) but I'm planning to do the full 6 weeks in summer time (then having a cold feeling will be a plus!).

I strongly suggest to everybody (first time fasters) to do at least one 7 day fast before starting the therapy. That is to get used to the teas and juice plus to get less toxic body. Any subsequent fast should be much easier after that...

I hope this helps. Good luck!



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