Hi BTM ! Im Chazz also! I beleive the main thing you have to do is reinvigorate your pancreas! Just the same as a cancer victim! Look into Dr.Kelliy's protocal and the Gerson remedies! Pancreatic enzymes are critical and detoxing and parasite cleanse are also critical ! You may looks at 2tuffs protocal with electronic medicine ! The parasite that invades the pancreas is a tough one to reach but if you do you can recover your pancreas and get off of insullin ! Whatever diet you chose vegan or extreme low carb the important thing is to keep away from foods the harm like any processed foods and wheat products ! I would also investigate Hulda Clark s concepts on household toxins ! Unless you are toxin and parasite free you will not be able to reinvigorate your pancreas! The best to you ! Your struggle is a tough one! but not undoable! Uncas/Chazz!