Re: Hi Researcher.
Hey Phil----
I've not had experience with whatever is in your eye, but think about this if you will. If your body is trying to fight something off, whether it's illness, disease, takes a lot of energy and resources to do it, and will throw as much as it possibly can at it, for as long as it possibly can. That takes away from regular, everyday functions.
I'll use the example of Candida Albicans. It's a regular part of everyone's digestive system, but if it isn't kept in control by the body's own beneficial flora, and is fed with poor diet and nutrition, it grows and overtakes the digestive system. The condition then becomes Candidiasis, and it can spread throughout the entire body. Symptoms such as "fuzziness" or "spaciness", fatigue, headache, mood swings/irritability, muscle and joint aches, etc... present themselves from the toxins the overgrowth is producing. Plus, your body is working overtime trying to regain control of itself, and eventually systems get overworked and fail. But, if the steps are taken to kill off the overgrowth, eliminate the foods it needs to live and thrive, strip away it's hiding places, and replenish the body's ability to keep it under control, then the body can return the energy and systems it was using/over-using to fight it off back to regular functions. And, as I said earlier, it's amazing what the body will do to keep itself clean.
You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.