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Cherokee Wisdom
  Views: 7,125
Published: 19 y

Cherokee Wisdom

When I got married, my Grandmother of Cherokee descent said she needed to talk with me in private. She told me that if I ever had a son, I should not to let the doctor circumcise him, because it is cruel. She didn't let them circumcise my uncle. She dipped a bobby pin in vasoline and greased inside the tip of his foreskin, and pulled it back very very gently, little by little when she washed it. She did this several times a day and it took about two months of washing and greasing, before she could finally pull the foreskin completely back so the little head would come out and you could see it. After that it was very easy to wash it and keep it clean.

"You should see him!" she said. "It looks just like he's been circumcised."

I haven't seen it, but my uncle has always been very popular with the ladies, and he's married to a woman younger than me. So if I ever have a son, I'm not circumcising him.

I'm sure there are many people who will think my grandmother's infant penis care suggestion is akin to sexual molestation. The bottom line motivation for circumcision is sexual repression, whether it is forced upon teenage girls or done to male infants at birth. Seems to me that people are so confused about sexuality and afraid of genital touching, they would rather mutilate their own children than care for them properly and educate them. How can you both teach a child not to spank the monkey, and tell him he needs to pull his foreskin back and wash underneath it? Ok, so lets cut the foreskin off...



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