Well, I completely agree with your stance on circ.
However, I'm concerned about a couple of points you raised.
One, I am also of Cherokee descent. That advice about the care and cleaning of intact penis is NOT wisdom. It is not the way old way either.
I'm also confused about this:
"You should see him!" she said. "It looks just like he's been circumcised."
Long foreskins were valued in the traditional ways. Why would this be a desireable outcome?
Two, it is important to know that any separation of the foreskin from the glans prior to it's natural separation (anytime up until puberty or even later) is dangerous. Even if doctors or other medical professionals do it. Forcible retraction is the main reason for "complications" of having a foreskin. Forcible retraction - even very gentle retraction over time - can cause adhesions, infections, and worse. It is likely to set the boy up for a lifetime of these issues.
The natural fusing of the foreskin to the glans in childhood - similar to the way fingernails are attached to fingers - breaks down slowly over time until it is no longer attached. (And sometimes with a little help from the boy whose penis it is. But that's his own business.) This should never be disrupted.
A penis needs no special cleaning before it retracts naturally, and then only for the boy/man to retract and wash gently. Over-cleaning would be akin to excessive douching by a female. It disrupt the beneficial flora and causes infection. Both the vagina and intact penis are self-cleaning systems. Smegma has an important purpose. It is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.