Re: Anyone care to explain this?
"you cannot tell me that a human who is defined by love came from any animal that doesn't have that. Nature cannot manufacture love!"
This is the baggage you you burdon yourself with ! You come with preconcieved ideas and misinterpret of all you read, even your interpretaion of love is just your own personal bias!
Can love be just part of the ties that bond one mate another to reproduce, the main fucntion of survival, in the evolved mind we place huge values and many definitions on the word love! Doenst love for a mate first start with a physical attraction that is nurtured and maintained to start and support a family!
We understand you cannot be told anything ,you refuse to learn from what you read and only place your own personal values on everything!
The family, the tribe,the community are all survival techniques first and formeost, love is part of the bond that makes us strong and helps us adapt to our environment!
Idols and icons are just misplaced values and ultimamtly destroy a community if those who follow leaders place them on a pedastal and make them gods,claiming they are willing to die or to kill for these misplaced values! This is what creates war this is what religious extremist promoting unsound theory and the refusal to except change does.