Re: Anyone care to explain this?
Angle of attack! exactly ! Is this a debate ? Isnt the other side supposed to promote his theory occasionally?lol!
Your right Golfegg, his misinterpretation of the facts only reinforces evolution ! Real
Science is fluid it adjust rethinks re evaluates constantly! If
Science knew everything, it could just close the doors and print it out!
Souper cannot prove creationism is a science, or that any of it can be scientifically proven!
I mean isnt this what this debate is really about! What other possible sensible recourse is there! Anything else is just foolish on the creationist side!
If its not a debate, one side promoting one theory ,the other side promoting its own and different theory, if it is not this, then it is little more then an inquisiton, or a place for those venting thier dogma!
Or those in fear of anything that goes against thier beleif system to attack at different angles!