incorrect procedure or the wrong cleanse!
Two off the cuff cleanses proves nothing, even two correct procedures with out the proper precleansing protocal is no proof of anything!
Amatuerish proclamations are not worth the paper they are written on! These types of claims are no more then a novices bumbling exerience, hardly worth consideration!
Just a knee jerk reaction from someone conditioned to a cultural tic, that expects instant gratification and the throw away mentality that accompanies it!
One needs to put in the time and effort at either researching these cleanses or experiencing them and the many different protocal that works for ones own particular needs,to make this claim, this takes time and patience. Many attempts are often needed to adjust to each individual. Persistence is the key to success, adjusting and readjusting until you get the desired affects is often what is required in healing oneself!
I support these cleanses whole heartedly from experience, not from the testimony of someone with a few unsuccessful attempts as evidence!