21 y
To Mai Li ..
You asked "I am curious to learn where you developed your fear of the flush and a stuck stone. Did a doctor warn you? Fear is a very effective tool for marketing things, like surgeries."
My fear came from my own logic ie. that the bile duct is very small and some of the stones I saw - though by no means huge - looked too big to pass
No doctor warned me. I am fortunate in living in a country where "cut" is NOT the usual response to a diagnosis of gallstones.
It was never mentioned when mine were diagnosed, I was given a prescription to "dissolve" them.
Having a reluctance to take any drugs, unless driven to it by desperation, I still wanted to find an alternative.
That weekend we went to our boat and I had another ghastly attack. On the Sunday, I went to the local street market and there was a guy selling a herbal remedy that he claimed reduced cholesterol and was good for all sorts of things. As he was 80 and looked about 55, I figured it was worth a try and bought a pile.
I drink a big bowlfull each morning and I have not had a single gall bladder attack since then - well over a year ago. So I think it best to leave well alone. :)
One of these days, I'll get another ultra-sound done and see whether the
Gallstones have gone, or the herbs are just controlling the symptoms.