i do not think God punishes us
I think we ourselves choose the backswing consequences of our own actions/
or accept the negatvity of others or our own choice of percieved identity
or even teh universal Karma of man/ for all these hundreds of thousands of years.
it is our own choice to create the reality.
or to understand wha tis behind things that happen to us to realise that negativity attracts negativity.
this is an issue we all strive against.
to maintain teh fullness of positives in ou rlife amidst all teh negagtivity is a hard thing when still in flesh
when so amny thign s are constant distractions.
i can't think of one tiem that God has eve rpunished me.
he mayb ehas pointed out to me where a faulty choice of mine
created a bad effect.. and i needed to
accept the fact that a large part of it was my faulty choice
to take responsibility for my own life.
this was especailly ahard thing fo rme to coem to grips with after my stalker incidneces and heat strokes etc..
but i now clearly see..
that i opeend the door to it in a great many ways /
many of which weren't even my fault but stemee dform the karma
mindset of the universal masses
and that i was attractign negative occurances to mylife