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Re: In addition
ez040868 Views: 2,160
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 390,737

Re: In addition

Lapis, I was pretty confident that you would not follow through in answering the questions presented in the food enzyme attempted debate. The comments here are pretty much a universal and typical response from folks such as yourselves. The comments always follow a pattern: first comes the inability to answer simple questions about claims, then you get the pharma paranoia comments, qucikly followed by suppression of evidence by big corporations, then when all else fails call the person a troll.....of course the typical diversionary tactics such as trying to change the subject or questioning the person rather than replying about the topic are included. A class in civil discourse would benefit all who attempted to participate in their albeit feeble way. You should all remember that it is OK to admit when you don't know something or do not understand something.

Calling me a pharma plant or a troll does not change human physiology or the concept of How does the body recognize these foreign proteins? It is quite humerous since you know nothing about me or my motives only your preconceived notions that could not be farther from the truth. For a group of people who claimto be open minded you sure don't demonstrate that capability...perhapsso open minded the brains fell out might becloserto the truth.

Your comments also do not change the fact that not a single one of you has the knowledge to discuss this topic with me, or anyone else, in an intelligent manner.....I was always taught that if you cannot explain a concept to someone then you really don't understand it yourself....this is quite evident in the posters that failed to provide any reasoned comments on human physiology.


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