In addition
The problem is being monitored:
Currently we’re seeing a usual pharma agenda thumping, trolloid creature, looking to bait curezone readers into jumping through hoops for him. *sigh*
The best advice for dealing with these type of aberrational internet phantoms, gained from experience on forums, boards and chat rooms, is, ignore them. Nothing makes a troll happier than a group of outraged posters, googling and researching every little point they bring up; the important thing to remember is that the troll is not interested in facts, debates, or reasoned arguments, and any attempt to engage it in such a way is doomed to failure and frustration. In this case, it is a time wasting adventure that can be spent helping other posters or pretty much anything else that has actual meaning in your life.
Of course there will be kicking and screaming and an uproar of all kinds of diversionary tactics now that the light beam is shining on him. Just know that the intent is to draw you in anyway possible (emotionally or otherwise). Save your energy for where it is actually needed.
I suggest a simple credo until this is remedied:
Do Not Feed The Trolls.
Thank you. This has been a public service announcement.