--Teachings of False info and Why--
Hi Snozberry,
Where you have misunderstood the usage of Lime water, is that it is used to provide for the Generation of Electrical Energy by the action of reacting against the Acids in the digestive system and this Electrical Energy is what is moved thru-out the body!
Your idea that particles or ion size elements or what ever you want to call them may or may not move in or out of the cell structure is where the whole problem of todays Medical profession has gone Wrong in it's thinking!
For the body operates upon and by the use of Electrical Energy which is moved thru-out the body to the needed areas, and then this Electrical Energy is then slowed down to Recreate and rebuild the different organs of the body!
So the idea of needing asorbable or ion size or angstrom size particales to move around in the body is "ALL" full of "FALSE" info!
"ALL" that one gains with smaller size elements of acids or Minerals , is for a Greater Surface area with which to react against the opposite charge so as to be able to create more Electrical Energy faster!
For if you use just a little bit of Common Sense, you may see that the body does not have dump trucks or augers or elevators or any such equipment to move any size particales around in the body from one organ to another no matter how small!
For what is in the digestive system goes on thru it and your body only uses the Energy which has been Generated in the process and this Electrical Energy is what is moved thru the walls of Cells etc and recreates the needed Energy in the Blood stream and in the Lymphatic system etc, into matter at the points of need of the different organs of the body!
And the Blood stream and the Lymphatic system are the Conductors for the flow of the Electrical Energy thru-out the entire body!
So tell me what size and how big is Electrical Energy and can it move thru soild objects or not?
For particales of food etc may not move thru solid objects or membranes as the Establishment may try to teach it to be so!
It is the Electrical Energy of the different Alkaline Minerals etc which moves thru the membranes of the body and then the Hormones which the different Glands produce may slow down this Electrical Energy to cause the Creation of Matter again!
This is why the teachings of needing such small particales is thought to be so, but this is "FALSE" info which is being taught!
I am sorry that you are being mislead by the current teachings!
Smile Tis your choice.