It is a shame that you do not have a comprehension of things that you speak of
Funny I was about to say the same thing about you,
If you would have read the article, hell just the first sentence of the second paragraph ... because no foods change the acidity of anything in your body except your urine.
pH does change and this change does affect your health.>
This is true. Again from the article: Anything that changed acidity in your body would make you very sick and could even kill you. Promoters of these products claim that cancer cells cannot live in an alkaline environment and that is true, but neither can any of the other cells in your body.
Oncologist rarely measure the pH their cancer patients blood
Because they know its a waste of time. They don't read chicken bones either for the same reason.
While you have my condelences for your wifes passing, you are looking for excuses and reasons where there might be none. Unless you were feeding her the exact same thing everyday for every meal, then the pH change might be of some interest. But as we can read above, the urine change is caused by food.