Re: Please Read
quoted: "acidity or alkalinity that a specific food is likely to produce in the body upon consumption. The most acid forming foods, such as rice bran, have an acidic factor of 85.2, while the most alkaline forming foods, such as wakame (a sort of sea weed), have an alkali factor of 260.8 (the factor of 0 representing a neutral state)".
end quote
K - Lapis was asking about the scale, and me too because I can't make sense of this part:
0 is neutral
all examples given are positive values, wakame is 285 and rice bran, an acidic food, is 85.
So, no matter how much acidic food you eat, its all alkaline?
no, its something about "when its in your body" it changes. but it still makes no sense if 0 is neutral.
Also,there is a benefit to acids. its been said that ulcers are from low acid in the gut, AND that acid conditions make it difficult for diseases to get established.
i know that drinking orange juice, an acidic one, helps my gut pains in the mornings, not makes them worse as is commonly thought.
That may indicate an imbalance in me, or maybe it explains why I am sick, or maybe it explains why I NEVER GET A COLD OR FLU, going on 20 years now since I even had a runny nose. Weird eh? {fibromyalgia and IBS though...
So just going for alkalinity may not be the best answer to healthy diets.
Has anyone figured out what this all means? Please consider that any opinions from people who make products may not be credible. If they make a million dollars pushing alkalinity, they may have been lying to us with their data and opinions.
opinions without that bulltweet filter will not be considered!